Join us in redefining the game – because we are all More Than Our Game.

Holistic development

What we share is intended to influence the way you live, not just how you play. 

The value of Teamwork

Playing team sport shapes the way we approach any team we become part of into our future, in our personal and professional lives. We tackle topics like respect and discipline to help you be the best teammate you can be.

Empowering YOU!

Self-belief, self-worth and compassion are all integral components of More Than Our Game’s mission. We want every young girl to feel empowered on and off the pitch. 

Know your body

To be your best as a player, you need to be your best as a human! Our mission is human-first, which leads to better players on game day. We’ll teach you how to listen to your body and respond to it’s needs. 


People need people! We are designed to be connected to others. Let us help you create connections with like-minded girls, and learn to enjoy life by embracing healthy habits with screens and social media. 

Foundation for Peak Performance

Want to go further? Aim higher? Pave your future in the game? We educate young athletes on the mind, body and play links as the foundation for peak performance.

Join us for 'YOUR SQUAD!'

A one-day conference aimed at empowering girls to be their best – in life and in sport – through holistic education.

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